Killer Coronet: Joel Applegate’s Supercharged 1968 Dodge Coronet

Most people don’t realize the Dodge Coronet was first introduced in 1949 and fell inline with how most post war vehicles looked. The stylish muscle car that most of us know wasn’t introduced in 1965, when it was brought back on the B-body platform. These are the cars that were known to be terrors on the street and made big waves at the track.

This particular 1968 Coronet is owned by Joel Applegate. On the surface, it may look like your typical restomod type of build, however, when you start to look just a little deeper you see what the car is all about. It’s a classic car that’s been upgraded tastefully with new technology.

Applegate’s friend Mark Blaha spent countless hours building this Coronet and stuffing the modern HEMI engine under the hood. The GEN III HEMI is a solid engine platform, but Applegate wanted more horsepower, so a Magnuson supercharger was added to the mill for good measure. By adding the blower, Applegate created a truly lethal sleeper that can roast its tires on a moment’s notice.

Make sure you watch this video to hear about what went into building this unique Coronet. You’ll also want to subscribe to the Street Muscle Magazine YouTube Channel right here.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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