The Spare Parts Show: Cool NASCAR Stories With Lake Speed Jr.

The Spare Parts Show is an extravaganza of gearhead fun hosted by Street Muscle Magazine Editor Brian Wagner. Each show will feature a guest who does something cool in and around the automotive world. We aim to allow the guests to tell interesting stories and discuss fun and relevant subjects. You never know who will be on The Spare Parts show and what they’ll have to say. You can catch every episode RIGHT HERE on Street Muscle Magazine’s YouTube channel.

Our very first guest on The Spare Parts Show is Lake Speed Jr. To say that Lake has lived his life in the high-performance world is an understatement. We talk with Lake about what it was like growing up in a NASCAR family, what he enjoys the most about racing, and some of the shenanigans teams pulled to gain an edge at the track.

Make sure you subscribe to the Street Muscle Magazine YouTube channel right here to see every episode of The Spare Parts show and the rest of our exciting content.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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